This year, the YWCA Gettysburg & Adams County is using today, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, as a day of service. You can drop off items at the YWCA at 909 Fairfield Rd., Gettysburg, to fulfill wish lists for local nonprofits. This initiative is sponsored by the United Way of Adams County. You can view wish list requests on the YWCA's website.
Also this week, the Adams County chapter of Project Linus is meeting on Friday, January 20, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Fairfield Mennonite Church, 201 W. Main St., Fairfield. Project Linus members make blankets for children ages 0-18 who are seriously ill, traumatized or otherwise in need. Blankets are donated to Gettysburg Hospital and other agencies in the Adams County area. For more information, contact Priscilla Storrs at 717-642-6771.
Learn more about the MLK Day of Service.