November 5, 2009

Big News!

Everyone at Celebrate Gettysburg has been a bit stressed out lately—but the good, exciting stress. We have joined forces with our printer—locally owned Graphcom Inc, we have started a new creative agency—Graphcom Creative, specializing in all things print and web, partnered with founder Jeremy Schaffner and we have opened a second location in Gettysburg—which now serves a growing team of designers, web developers and of course our talented editor Jaime and fabulous sales executive Terrie. And all of this happened in a span of 1 month!

Here are a few pictures from our new location which includes the outside of the building, the three-story fire pole which is the centerpiece of two offices, our ingenious coffee station, an interior shot of the main area, my unorganized desk and the view from our roof deck, overlooking the Gettysburg Airport. Definitely the best creative environment that anyone could ask for!


  1. It's too bad you have to look out at all of those green pastures and rolling hills. Bummer. But at least you have the fire pole.

  2. YEAH!!! We have to celebrate :)

  3. Congratulations on your new company! You both have worked hard to get where you are. That is a really neat office! Love the fire pole!

  4. I'm just getting to see this...Amazing, Wonderful, and Well Deserved! I wish you all the best with your new endeavors.

    Carol Burns

    Soming New and Fabulous Coming Soon in Adams County and It's Powerful...
    POWER Network!
